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School Meals
School meals are provided by Olive Dining:
The school canteen has a weekly set lunch menu in place. Menus are on a three weekly rota. Week 1 starts at the beginning of each term.
To view each menu please select the links below.
Meal Deals
The canteen runs a series of meal deals for just £2.75.
You must top up at least 36 hours in advance
Packed Lunches
Food and nutrition is very important in Forest Gate Community School. If you are giving your child a packed lunch please take a look at this website for ideas on how to ensure it is balanced and nutritious:
Advice for Parents
Cashless Catering System
The school operates an entirely cashless system for students to pay for meals. Students are not able to top-up their accounts with cash. The system, +Pay on ParentMail can also be used to pay for other items. Please visit the following page for further information:
Communications and Online Payments
Free School Meals
To qualify for free schools meals, you must complete the online application form: