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Media Studies
BackNew-25-Media-Studies-at-FGCS.pdfWhat topics will my child study in year 7 and 8?
Media Studies is not taught exclusively as a subject at Key Stage 3. It is however incorporated within the English National Curriculum.
What topics will my child study in year 9, 10 and 11?
Students follow GCSE (9 - 1) OCR GCSE Media Studies.
The course is split into two papers and an Non-Examined Assessment (coursework) component:
Paper 1 is TV and Promoting Media and
Paper 2 is Music and News.
Students will study a diverse range of Media texts focusing on the four key concepts in the syllabus: Media Language, Media Audiences, Media Industries and Media Representations
The course in year 9 and 10 takes a case study approach where each key concept is investigated in research and analysis of texts followed by practical productions to implement the pupils’ understanding.
The year 9 case studies are: Music Marketing and Print Advertisements TV Serial Drama The year 10 case studies are:
The non-exam assessment case study - based on an annually changing theme (worth 30% of GCSE)
Television Crime Dramas
The course in year 11 focuses on exam skills based on the four key concepts of the syllabus through nine media forms. The areas of study will include
News Online and Print - 1960 Vs 2020s
TV - Serial Crime Drama 1960s Vs 2020s
Music: Video, Magazine and Radio Film Advertising and Marketing
Do you have a reading list for this subject?
The following revision book is available for pupils to purchase OCR My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Media Studies https://amzn.eu/d/bf5WP2K
All students will be given one in Y11 as a loan.
How can I help my child to excel in this subject?
In addition to discussing learning with your child and monitoring their homework, ensuring your child is engaging with issues around the Media and its role in our lives, help them to engage with the key concepts. Perhaps reading/ watching the news regularly. When watching television, you could ask them to complete case studies on how groups are represented or explain the methods being used using Media language.
Are there any online resources?
All students will have a school login to Massolit and can find revision videos on there.
Do you offer any interventions or clubs my child can attend?
The student newspaper club will provide and insight into the creation of News Y11 lunchtime intervention is also offered.
Are there any important dates for me to be aware of in your subject?
Paper 1 - May 13th 2024
Paper 2 - May 20th 2024
NEA due date to be marked and moderated - February 2nd 2024.
How will my child be assessed at the end of the course?
30% Non-exam assessment case study- based on an annually changing theme
70% two written exams