Forest gate community school 12

Physical Education


Physical-Education-at-FGCS-1.pdfWhat topics will my child study in year 7 and 8?

All students in years 7 and 8 will study components of the main 10 topics listed below. Securing this learning will ensure they are on track to make the expected level of progress:

1. Leadership skills

2. Roles of officials in various activities

3. Recommended physical activity for various age groups

4. Training methods

5. Assessed on practical ability in various activities

6. Identifying strength and weaknesses in selected activities

7. Muscular and skeletal systems

8. Components of fitness

9. Exercise intensity

10. Importance of physical activity emotionally, socially and physically

What topics will my child study in year 9, 10 and 11?

All students will study and participate in core PE until the end of year 11 (double lesson per week).

Some students will also follow the BTEC Sport path if selected as an option.

Assessment levels for this course are:

  • Distinction*
  • Distinction
  • Merit
  • Pass

Pearson BTEC Tech Awards (2022). Details of this specification can be found at:

The course consists of three different components:

Component 1: Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity (Barriers/ limitations and technology)

Component 2: Taking part and improving other participants sporting performance (Rules and regulations/ practical performance)

Component 3: Developing Fitness to improve other participants performance in Sport and Physical Activity (Fitness tests/ training methods/ components of fitness)

Do you have a reading list for this subject?

Pearson Revise Sport (2022) Revision Guide

How can I help my child to excel in this subject?

In addition to checking the DPR judgements and monitoring homework, regularly check google classroom which is used for students coursework. In addition, students are advised to gain their own video evidence during their training and games outside of school.

Do you offer any interventions or clubs my child can attend?

The department offers various clubs during morning, lunchtime and afterschool which all children can access freely. Those who select BTEC Sport as a GCSE option are encouraged to take part in the school teams and teams outside of school to gain practical evidence.

The Physical Education department facilitates various fixtures with schools in the Borough and enters the Borough competitions in various different activities

Small interventions for those who need additional support are facilitated at lunch time and after school.

Are there any important dates for me to be aware of in your subject?

For those who choose BTEC Sport:

In Year 10, students would have completed 60% of their GCSE if they meet the December submission deadline for component 1 and component 2.

In year 11, students have the opportunity to sit the remaining 40% exam in the January window or the summer window.

If students sit the exam in January and do not achieve their target grade they have a second opportunity in the summer of year 11.

How will my child be assessed during the course?

40% Examination 60% Coursework which includes the following:

Practical video evidence in your preferred sport

Practical video evidence of you leading sport sessions

Practical video evidence leading warm ups