Forest gate community school 3
  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Art & Design
  • Business
  • Computer Science
  • Design & Technology
  • Drama
  • Food & Nutrition
  • Geography
  • History
  • Media Studies
  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Religious Education
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Inclusion



Maths-at-FGCS-1.pdfWhat topics will my child study in year 7 and 8?

All students in years 7 and 8 will study components of the main 10 topics listed below. Securing this learning will ensure they are on track to make the expected level of progress:

1. Numbers, Decimals and Fractions

2. Properties of 2D Shapes

3. Expression, Equations and Identities

4. Graphs

5. Collecting, Processing, Representing and Interpreting Data

6. Indices, Ratio and Percentages

7. Geometry and Measure Skill

8. Algebra Skill

9. Functional Graphs

10. Data and Probability

What topics will my child study in year 9, 10 and 11?

Students follow GCSE (9 - 1) Edexcel Maths Specification A. Details of this specification can be found at:

The course consists of five components – Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Measure, Statistics and Probability, Ratio and Proportion.

Do you have a reading list for this subject?

● Edexcel GCSE (9 – 1) Maths Revision Guide

How can I help my child to excel in this subject?

In addition to checking the DPR judgements and monitoring homework, regularly test your child’s number skills by doing multiplication tests, checking shopping list and bills and applying maths skills in everyday life.

Ensuring they have the necessary equipment - calculator, ruler, protractor, compass Explore opportunities for your child to participate in maths workshops, clubs, or competitions.

Encourage independence. A list of useful resources that students can use to be independent are outlined below.

Are there any online resources?

Username and password can be provided by the maths team.

Do you offer any interventions or clubs my child can attend?

Pathway to Excellence lectures for year 11s from 7:45am-8:15pm

After school P2X club for year 9-10

After school year 11 exam skills sessions

Year 11 Intervention occurs at lunchtimes and after school to maximise examination performance.

Are there any important dates for me to be aware of in your subject?

Our high performing students have a chance to enter the UKMT competition which takes place in the Autumn and Spring term. Dates will be published closer to the competition time.

Pi day is celebrated across the world on the 14th of March

Numbers day is celebrated on the 2nd of February

How will my child be assessed at the end of the course?

At the end of their GCSEs, there are three exams (all of equal weight).

One non-calculator exam

Two calculator exams