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Computer Science
BackComputer-Science-at-FGCS-1.pdfWhat topics will my child study in year 7 and 8?
Students acquire basic skills and understanding in Computer Science. These include the basic knowledge of the fundamentals of computing which are later mapped through to GCSE Computer Science. This knowledge will enable them to understand the impact that Computer Science has on our lives and the technology that surrounds us.
Students will learn the following:
1. Computer Systems (hardware, software, boolean logic, memory)
2. Algorithms and Flowcharts (symbols, sub-programs)
3. Scratch Programming (variables, selection, iteration, sequencing)
4. Python programming (I/O, variables, selection, iteration and functions)
5. Systems architecture (CPU, embedded systems) 6. Computer networks and security (topologies, configurations and protection methods)
What topics will my child study in year 9, 10 and 11?
The students will follow the GCSE (9-1) OCR Computer Science specification.
Details of the specifications can be found at: https://www.ocr.org.uk/Images/225975-specification-accredited-gcse-computer-science -j276.pdf
The course consists of 3 components:
- Computer systems
- Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
- Programming project (including Python, a programming language)
Do you have a reading list for this subject?
https:/ www.pgonline.co.uk/resources/computer-science/gcse-ocr/clearrevise-j27 7/ -PG Revision Guide
https:/ www.cambridge.org/gb/education/subject/computing/computer-science /gcse-computer-science-1/gcse-computer-science-ocr-student-book-updated-edi tion?isbn=9781108812542&format=PB - OCR Text Book J277
How can I help my child to excel in this subject?
In addition to discussing learning with your child and monitoring their homework, ensuring your child visits BBC Technology News and associated websites or keeps abreast of the latest news events via a reputable news app. Taking your child to visit technology-related places and discussing how technology and Computer Science surrounds our everyday lives.
Are there any online resources?
Do you offer any interventions or clubs my child can attend?
The department offers support & intervention throughout the school from year 7 through to GCSE exams as required.
Year 11 Intervention and exam skills sessions to maximise examination performance.
Are there any important dates for me to be aware of in your subject?
Advance notice will be given of any visits.
All interim assessments, external assessments and GCSE dates will be shared with students during the academic year.
How will my child be assessed at the end of the course?
Paper 1 - Computer systems is a 1 hour 30 minutes written exam (50% of the qualification)
Paper 2 - Computational thinking, algorithms and programming is a 1 hour 30 minutes written exam (50% of the qualification)