FGCS in Top 50 Schools for GCSE Results Four Years in a Row

FGCS is among just 11 nationwide to have been ranked in the top 50 schools for GCSE results four years in a row. We made the list again with a Progress 8 score of plus 0.99, which means pupils earn on average roughly one grade higher than at other schools.
Progress 8 is the government benchmark for measuring school success, charting pupils’ progress from when they start and leave school.
FGCS is also the top performing in the borough for the third time in four years, according to new government statistics.
Headteacher Thahmina Begum, who at 31 is thought to be one of the youngest women in the country to lead a school, said: "Having only taken over as Headteacher in September, I cannot take the full credit for these outstanding results. I am however incredibly proud to have been part of a team that has produced the outstanding results which have consistently put us among the best schools in the country.
"What these stats do not show is the life changing impact this success is having on the lives of the young people who attend this school. We operate in a challenging environment, with many of the young people we teach susceptible to the social problems that plight our community. Leaving school with the top grades is the stepping stone to making the grade at A Level, winning a place at a top university and having a successful and fulfilling career.”
Read the full story in the Newham Recorder: